Privacy policy

Publication date: 10/10/2024

Welcome to DeHealth – an app designed to monitor your health.

The Privacy Policy regulates the procedure for ensuring the security of Personal Data when using DeHealth Services.

In this document, we describe how we collect, process, store, disclose and transmit Personal Data when receiving DeHealth Company.

The provisions of this Privacy Policy apply only to Personal Data collected by the Company in the ways described in its terms and conditions.

References to the words “You” or “Your” (or words similar in content) means the User, depending on the context of the Privacy Policy.

References to “we”, “our” or “us” (or similar words) means the DeHealth Services.



1.  Account is a functional part of the App, with the help of which the User can obtain Services and transfer his Data.

2. User is any person who installs the App to receive Services for the purpose of monitoring their health.

3. User consent (hereinafter referred to as “Consent”) is a voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will in which the User, through a statement or clear positive action, agrees to the processing of his Personal Data and Data concerning health.

4. Personal Data is any information that is in the public domain, allowing you to directly or indirectly identify the User. For example, first name, last name, phone number, IP address.

5. Data concerning health means personal data related to the physical or mental health of a natural person, including the provision of health care services, which reveal information about his or her health status.

6. Data is a common name for Personal Data and Data concerning health

7. Doctor is a qualified specialist in the field of medicine, who is chosen by the User to receive Services for diagnosing his health or monitoring his condition.

8. DeHealth company (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “DeHealth”) is a DEHEALTH TECHNOLOGIES, INC, registered at 1049 El Monte Avenue, Ste C #846,
Mountain View, CA 94040, United States, EIN: 36-5099713, which provides Services to Users.

9. DeHealth application (hereinafter referred to as the “App”) is a service created so that the User can check the state of his health and monitor the change in his health.

10. Services an algorithm of actions carried out by the Company to provide the User with the opportunity to install the App to check the state of his health and monitor its condition by contacting a Doctor.

11. Controller means a natural or legal person, government agency, institution or other body that independently determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

12. Processor means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body processing Personal Data on behalf of and on behalf of the Controller.


  1. Third Party means a natural or legal person, government agency, institution or body, other than the User, Controller, Processor or Company, and persons authorized by the Controller or Processor under their direct supervision to process Personal Data.

Cookie is a piece of information in the form of text or binary data used by the Company when you use the App to obtain additional information about you.


The Company may receive the following Personal Data about the User:

    1. full name;
    2. e-mail;
    3. password;
    4. address;
    5. phone number;
    6. gender;
    7. tax code (TIN);
    8. marital status: solely for the provision of Services;
    9. information about siblings:exclusively for diagnosing the User’s health as part of providing the Services to him; 
    10. financial details that relate to payments for our Services.

The Company may receive the User’s Personal Data during registration/authorization in the App, using the Google or Apple or Metamask service. 

The Company uses additional conditions for processing Data concerning health:

    1. height;
    2. weight;
    3. gender;
    4. blood type;
    5. DNA test;
    6. birth defects;
    7. allergies;
    8. race;
    9. ethnicity;
    10. results of medical research;
    11. history of diseases;
    12. information about previous and chronic diseases;
    13. medicine prescription;
    14. drug intolerance;
    15. bad habits;
    16. vital signs;
    17. conditions for taking the medication: name, date of commencement of administration; dosage;
    18. health history: provided exclusively to the Doctor, and the Company only stores such data;
    19. state of health.

Data concerning health specified in paragraph 3.3. necessary to provide the Services to the User and such data is processed exclusively by the Doctor.

The Company does not process Data concerning health for the purpose of identifying the User, but uses it solely for the purposes and in the ways specified in this Privacy Policy.

The Company does not process Data concerning health for illegal purposes and does not use Data concerning health for its own purposes. Data concerning health is processed solely on the basis of the active Consent of the User.

In the event of using Data concerning health in ways not provided for by this Privacy Policy and is not transferred to Third Parties without obtaining explicit Consent from the User and immediate notification of such User.

In the event of any changes in the terms of processing Data concerning health, the Company notifies the User of such changes within 24 hours from the moment of such changes.

The Company does not process Data concerning health for medical purposes, and the Company only collects and stores Data concerning health. Data concerning health is processed by a qualified employee – a Doctor.

The Company processes Data concerning health solely on the basis of explicit Consent, which the User provides in writing and actively.

The Company collects only the amount of Data concerning health that is required to provide the Services to the User.

The Company does not store Data concerning health longer than is necessary to provide the Services. After the Services are provided, Data concerning health will be deleted by the Company.

The User independently provides Data concerning health and is responsible for its accuracy. The Company does not change Data concerning health without a request on behalf of the User.

The Company stores Data concerning health using special security methods, using special access levels, in accordance with the Security Policy.

The Company does not perform profiling or automated decision-making regarding Data concerning health.

In the event of a high risk of disclosure/loss of the  Data concerning health, the Company carries out a data protection impact assessment (DPIA).

The Company controls the level of access of its employees to Data concerning health.

The Company may receive information about the annual income per person in the family solely and/or User Profession for the selection of an appropriate specialist – Doctor.

The Company does not collect Data concerning health in ways not specified in this Privacy Policy.

The Company does not collect Data concerning health from open sources under any circumstances.

The Company informs that payment data (bank card number, date and CVV code, etc.) are processed exclusively by the payment service/bank that provides payment processing services to the Company.

The Company may collect Personal Data when communicating with the User and providing Services received through social networks, instant messengers, and email. In such a case, such data will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The Company assigns a unique name and/or number to identify and track the User’s identity during the processing of his Data.

The Company may use your Personal Data for customized marketing and advertising based on the use of Personal Data obtained through your use of the App.

The Company protects the following Data in accordance with HIPAA:

    1. information entered into the User’s medical card (or medical records), if provided for;
    2. Doctor’s conversations, diagnosis and advice to Users;
    3. information about the User received from his insurance company;
    4. processing of Data concerning health.


In accordance with the rules and regulations of HIPAA during Data processing, the Company performs the following actions:

    1. The Company takes actions to ensure the protection of Data concerning health and guarantees that they are used exclusively for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy;
    2. The Company guarantees that Data concerning health is not disclosed in other ways that are not provided for in this Privacy Policy;
    3. Processing of Data concerning health is limited to a minimum and limited in accordance with the Data concerning health Processing Procedure;
    4. The Company has developed appropriate documentation for processing, in accordance with clause 2.6. of this Privacy Policy;
    5. Appropriate training programs have been developed for the Company’s employees on handling Data concerning health;
    6. The Company’s contractors and counterparties take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of Data concerning health during their processing.

  • DeHealth does not collect or process sensitive Personal Data of the User, such as political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership. 

  • The User may specify the following Data concerning health: genetic or biometric data, information about sex life or sexual orientation during registration in the App or when receiving Services or communicating with the Company’s employees or communicating with the Doctor, and in such a case, such Data concerning health will be processed in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, may be transferred to the Doctor and will be deleted in the event of completion of the provision of Services/loss of relevance of their storage.


When using theApp or receiving Services, the Company may automatically collect the following Data:

    1. IP address;
    2. setting time zone and language;
    3. operating system, device type and screen extension;
    4. the country where you are located;
    5. data about your visit to the App including full URL information, navigation routes to the App and when going to/exiting the App (including date and time), page response time, data loading errors, length of stay on certain pages, activity on the page (such information such as scrolling and mouse movements, clicks), methods used to exit the page and telephone numbers used to contact the customer service center.

  • The Company has the right to collect and receive Personal Data of the User in the following ways:
    1. when providing Services;
    2. when using the App;
    3. when interacting with Company employees by exchanging emails/notifications, communicating with Company employees;
    4. when monitoring and evaluating the User’s actions to identify and prevent fraud;
    5. use of log files, Cookies and other tracking technologies;
    6. using instant messengers and social networks.

  • The Company has the right to collect and receive Data concerning health of the User in the following ways:
    1. when providing Services;
    2. when using the App;
    3. during registration in the App;
    4. during the provision of such data by the User by filling out the questionnaire in the App.

  • The Company has the right to use Personal Data for the following purposes to:
    1. provision of Services;
    2. ensure the security of the App;
    3. administer the App and conduct internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing and completing surveys;
    4. to improve navigation of the App;
    5. communication with the User;
    6. save or protect an individual’s vital interest;
    7. responding to requests from law enforcement agencies;
    8. initiate responses to legal claims, investigations or resolution of disputes with you.


The Company has the right to use Data concerning health for the following purposes to:

    1. provision of Services;
    2. for transfer to the Doctor, for the purpose of providing Services;
    3. for diagnosing the User’s health.

  • DeHealth does not provide medical services or services for diagnosing the User’s health or services for providing treatment to the User, but only provides access to the App, with the help of which the User can choose an appropriate Doctor and receive medical services from the Doctor chosen by the User. The Company does not use Data concerning health in other ways that are specified in paragraph 3.31 of this Privacy Policy.

In the event of a breach of data processing security, resulting in the loss of Data concerning health, the Company shall notify the FTC by submitting the online form: Notice of Breach of Health Information.

The Company does not under any circumstances re-identify Data concerning health.The Company authenticates and identifies the User on the basis of the Company’s internal documentation. To ensure the authenticity of data changes, multi-factor authentication is used, and a detailed audit of changes is stored in logging systems (AWS CloudTrail).

The Company stores the hashes of each individual field of the User’s information in the blockchain, that is, any operation with the Data is performed exclusively by the User. For each Data field (for example, weight, height, blood type), a unique hash is created and written to a decentralized storage.

The Company processes Personal Data on the following legal grounds:

    1. User Consent;
    2. downloading and installing the App;
    3. express and direct, active Consent;
    4. receiving of Services.

Bases for processing Data concerning health concerning health:

    1. Contract. The User signs the Terms of Use, which are a public agreement between the Company and the User, which regulates the processing of Data concerning health.
    2. Legitimate interests. The Company may process Data concerning health for the purpose of protecting the legitimate interests of the User and for other purposes. Data concerning health is not processed under any circumstances.
    3. Vital interests. The Company provides the User with Services to check his health and monitor his health status, and that is why the processing of Data concerning health is a vital interest of the User.
    4. Medical diagnosis. The Company may receive Data concerning health for the purpose of medical diagnostics. Medical diagnostics are carried out exclusively by a medical specialist – Doctor. The Company does not provide medical diagnostic services for the User.
    5. Active Consent. The Company processes Data concerning health only after receiving active Consent from the User.
    6. Information system activity review.
    7. Sanction policy.

In cases where the basis for the processing of Data is your Consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. To revoke your Consent, you may send an email to: If your Consent is revoked, the Company has the right to stop providing the Services and terminate all relations with you. If Consent is revoked, your Data will be deleted permanently.

The Company undertakes to stop processing Personal Data within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal of Consent.


One of the following actions by the User means Consent with the terms of this Privacy Policy:

    1. receiving Services;
    2. downloading and installing the App;
    3. active Consent;
    4. agreement with the Privacy Policy.

By agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy, the User provides his Consent to:

      1. use and processing of his Personal Data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy;
      2. conditions for filling out the questionnaire for checking the User’s health;
      3. providing the Company with additional information upon its request;
      4. processing of his payment details by the payment service/bank in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy;
  • transfer of Data concerning health to the Doctor, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy;
  • consent to the processing of your Data concerning health by the Doctor, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy;
  1. not storing and protecting the Company’s Data concerning health in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy;

transfer of his Personal Data to third-party services in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

The Company reserves the right to obtain User Consent through a pop-up form. The pop-up form may contain a Consent form in the form of a checkbox.

  • The Company processes Data concerning health exclusively after receiving active Consent from the User. The User receives Active Consent in writing by using a pop-up form.



The Company uses all necessary security and Personal Data protection measures to ensure its confidentiality and prevent loss or unauthorized disclosure.

The Company stores Data concerning health using the following security methods:

    1. pseudo-minimization;
    2. minimization;
    3. encryption;
    4. pseudo-encryption.


  1. The Company protects and store Data from:
    1. losses;
    2. unlawful use, transfer, disclosure, modification, deletion and/or destruction.

DeHealth has the right to retain Personal Data for a period of 3 (three) years after termination of the relationship in the following cases:

    1. for statistical accounting;
    2. if current legislation requires their storage;
    3. if they are necessary to conduct business;
    4. for marketing analytics.

The Company does not store Data concerning health in the event of termination of the Services under any circumstances, except for cases when the User unilaterally decides to store Data concerning health in User Account.

The Company assesses the adequacy of the security level of processing Data concerning health, taking into account the risks associated with processing, in particular the risks of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or access to transferred, stored or otherwise processed Data concerning health. More detailed information on the security conditions can be found in the Data concerning health Storing and Deleting Policy.

  • The Company stores Data concerning health exclusively in encrypted form and using the principle of data minimization. This means that the Company assigns a special code to the User, and the Company and its employees can see only the special identification code, but will be able to see Personal Data, such as the full name of such User. Data concerning health is stored exclusively in encrypted form and cannot be viewed by the Company and employees for the purpose of identifying such a User.


  1. The Company ensures Data security with the help of an authentication system for authenticating API users by using the auth:sanctum function.

The Company applies a multi-level approach to data security, which includes data encryption both at the stage of storage and during processing/transmission.

The company uses the principles of Data minimization and pseudo-minimization during data processing. And also conducts an audit of Data processing.

The Company conducts safety and compliance audits with the relevant legislation every 6-12 months with the help of independent auditors. The audit includes checking employee and contractor access rights, activity logs, and checking the security of system connections and configurations. Identified issues are resolved in accordance with NIST guidelines.

The Company automatically backs up Data daily to Amazon S3 with multi-zone replication. Backups are stored encrypted using KMS, and regular recovery tests are performed to confirm that the copies are working.


The terms of this section apply to U.S. residents as contained in the Privacy Policy for specific requirements in accordance with:

    1. Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA);
    2. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act;
    3. Grant of rights to the User under the California Consumer Privacy Act.
    4. Grant of rights to the User under the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act (DPDPA).

The Company does not support Do Not Track mode. Do Not Track is a setting you can set in your web browser to inform websites that you do not want to be tracked. You can enable or disable Do Not Track by visiting your web browser’s settings page.


Rights granted to US residents:

  1. Right to know. The User has the right to know about the Data the Company collects about them and how it is used and shared.
  2. Right to delete. The User has the right to delete Data about himself, in which case they will be permanently deleted.
  3. Right to opt-out. The User has the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of his Data.
  4. Right to non-discrimination. The User has the right to non-discrimination for exercising their CCPA rights. The Company cannot deny Services, charge a different price, or provide a different level or quality of Services just because you exercised your rights under the CCPA.
  5. Right to correction. The User has access to Data, which at any time requires updating, correction and addition.
  6. Right to limit. The User has the right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive Data collected about them.
  • The User may designate an authorized agent to file a CCPA request on your behalf if:
    1. An authorized agent is a person or entity registered with the Secretary of State of California;
    2. You sign a written statement that you authorize the authorized agent to act on your behalf;
    3. If you are using an Authorized Agent to request to exercise your right to be informed or your right to erasure, please send a certified copy of your written statement allowing the Authorized Agent to act on your behalf using the contact information below.
  • The Company performs the following actions in relation to the User’s Data, according to HIPAA:
    1. Ensures confidentiality, integrity and availability;
    2. Detects security threats;
    3. Provides protection against anticipated inappropriate use or disclosure;
    4. Reasonably limits the use and disclosure of information to the minimum necessary to achieve the intended purpose;
    5. Limits the circle of persons who can view and access, as well as implement employee training programs on how to protect the User’s Data.

The Company grants the following rights to Users regarding the processing of Data concerning health:

    1. The User has the right to receive a copy of the medical records concerning him;
    2. The User has the right to make corrections to Data concerning health;
    3. The User has the right to send a request to the Company for information regarding the processing of his Data concerning health;
    4. The User has the right to make sure that Data concerning health are processed only after obtaining permission from the User;
    5. The User has the right to make sure that the Company transfers Data concerning health only after obtaining permission from the User;
    6. The User has the right to limit the use of Data concerning health;
    7. The User has the right to receive a report on the processing, transfer and purposes of processing Data concerning health;
    8. The User has the right to file a complaint if he believes that his Data concerning health are being processed in violation;

File a complaint with HIPAA.


When processing Personal Data, DeHealth provides the User with the following rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation:

  1. Right of access. The User can contact us directly to gain access to the Data we store about him, as well as any information.
  2. Right to erase. The User has the right to delete Data about himself. In this case, Data will be permanently deleted.
  3. Right to Data portability. We may transfer the User’s Data to Third Parties.
  4. Right to correction. The User has access to Data, which at any time requires updating, correction and addition.
  5. Right to restriction. The User has the right to object to the processing of his Data at any time.
  6. Automated individual decision making, including profiling. The User has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing of his Data, including profiling, which has legal consequences for him or which similarly has a significant impact on him.

If the User exercises any of his rights provided for in paragraph 9.1. of this Privacy Policy, the Company notifies of any actions with the Data, in accordance with Art. 19 of the GDPR. The User informs the User of all Third Parties to whom the Data is transferred.


  1. DeHealth makes every effort to process Data lawfully in accordance with international standards for the processing of Data.
  2. This Privacy Policy contains the main legal acts related to the processing of Data.
  3. Unfortunately, we cannot list all the laws regarding the processing of Data in every jurisdiction in the world.
  4. The terms of this Privacy Policy describe the basic rights of the User provided for by the main provisions of the main legislative acts governing the processing of Data.

If you believe that the provisions of this Privacy Policy violate and/or in any way limit your Data processing rights, please contact us by email at and we will do our best to resolve the problem within a reasonable time.


  1. The User has the right to submit a request to the Company if he believes that his rights have been violated by writing a request in writing to Company support at the address:
  2. The User’s request must contain reliable information about the requirements for the Company. If the request does not specify the exact requirements, the Company has the right to refuse to fulfill the request.
  3. We will not be able to respond to your request or provide you with Data unless we can verify your identity and confirm that the Data belongs to you. If a request is received with false information and/or if it is impossible to confirm the User’s identity, the Company has the right not to process the received request and contact the User for clarification. If a response to a request for clarification is received, the User must provide a new corrected request or submit a new request.

The Company is obliged to respond to the request or fulfill the conditions set forth in the request within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date of its receipt.


  • The Company informs the User that Data may be used to provide the Services, and, in case of disagreement with this, the User is not entitled to receive the Services.
  • Each User has the right to lodge a complaint with a single supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his/her habitual residence, as well as the right to effective judicial remedies under the laws of his/her jurisdiction, if the User considers that his/her rights on the grounds have been violated. A more detailed list of supervisory authorities can be found at the link.
  1. The Company verifies the identity of each Doctor and the Company signs a data processing agreement with each Doctor, which regulates the conditions for the processing of Data concerning health. However, the Company is not responsible for the processing of Data concerning health by the Doctor, since the Company does not control the actions of each Doctor. But in case of disclosure/loss by the Doctor of Data concerning health for any reason, the Company shall notify the Doctor of such event, from the moment the Company receives data on such disclosure/loss.
  2. The Company periodically checks the activities of each Doctor and notifies the User in the event of a Doctor’s violation of the terms of Data concerning health.
  3. The Doctor is solely responsible for the processing of the User’s Data concerning health for the purpose of providing medical services, and the User confirms that he/she has read this fact and is fully aware of the fact that the Company is not responsible for the processing of his/her Data concerning health for the purpose of providing medical services.
  4. The Company is not responsible if the User provides inaccurate Personal Data, including the inability to receive Services.
  5. The Company is not responsible for any losses caused to the User as a result of the use of his Personal Data by a Third Party without his knowledge, including third-party services (partners, payment systems, web analytics services, etc.), since his Personal Data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of such services.
  6. The Company may link to other websites or services. The Privacy Policies of these websites and services are not governed by the terms of this Privacy Policy, and the Company cannot be responsible for the Data handling of third party websites and services.
  7. The Company is not responsible for the User’s provision of inaccurate Personal Data, including the impossibility of receiving Services. The Company bears no responsibility for the quality of medical services provided by the Doctor, in case the User provides inaccurate Data concerning health.


DeHealth is not responsible for:

    1. loss of Personal Data in the event of a hacker attack, hacking of the Company or App software, unlawful actions of Third Parties, as well as actions that violate the terms of the Privacy Policy;
    2. If the User has indicated the wrong age and receives the Services as a minor;
    3. The Company shall not be liable in the event of loss/disclosure of Data concerning health as a result of a hacker attack, but shall immediately take all necessary actions to notify the User and minimize the damage caused;
    4. impossibility of providing Services or poor quality provision of Services if the User provides false Personal Data or any other information.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet cannot be completely secure. Although we make every effort to protect Personal Data, we cannot guarantee a secure transmission of Data to the App. In this regard, you are solely responsible for possible failures in the transfer of your Data to the Company.


Cookies do not transmit viruses and/or malware to your device because the data in Cookies does not change during transmission and does not affect the performance of the device. They are more like logs (i.e., they record User actions and remember status information) and are updated whenever You visit the App.

When providing the Services, we may use the following types of Cookies:

    1. Session Cookies, also known as temporary Cookies, exist only in temporary memory while the User is on a page of the App. Browsers typically delete session Cookies after the User has closed the browser window.
    2. Persistent Cookies are deleted on a certain day or after a certain period of time. This means that information about Cookies will be transmitted to the server every time the User visits the website to which these Cookies belong.
    3. Third-party Cookies are a type of file that appears when a web page contains content from external websites, such as links to other websites. For example, they may be used to track the User’s browsing history on other websites.
    4. Web analytics Cookies are used to analyze User behavior while browsing various pages of the App.

The Company uses Cookies for the following purposes:

    1. authentication and identification;
    2. conducting web analytics;
    3. marketing analytics research;
    4. research of User preferences;
    5. storing personal preferences and settings;
    6. tracking access sessions;
    7. App analysis.

The Company can use the following web analytics services:

    1. Google Analytics.The Google Analytics receives aggregated Data about the User, such as page visits, duration of sessions, traffic sources. The purpose of processing such Data is to analyze the behavior of Users on the Site to improve interaction and optimize content;
    2. Clarity. The Company may also use the Clarity analytics service to receive aggregated User Data, such as page visits, session duration, and traffic sources. The purpose of processing such Data is to analyze the behavior of Users on the Site to improve interaction and optimize content.

In many cases, web browsers allow Cookies to be stored on the User’s end device by default. App Users can change Cookie settings at any time in such a way as to block the automatic processing of Cookies or to report each time they are placed on the App User’s device. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of processing Cookies is available in your browser settings.


  1. The Company Services are intended for persons over eighteen years of age. The Company does not process Data of persons under this age.
  2. The Company has the right to delete Data of a person under eighteen years of age, without warning or any consequences for the Company, and also to stop providing Services to such a person.
  3. The Company reserves the right to verify the age of the User and if it finds that the User has not reached the age of eighteen years, the Company reserves the right to immediately delete the Data of such User and immediately stop providing the Service to him.
  4. If you have information about a person under eighteen years of age receiving the Services, please contact the Company support service by sending an email to:


  1. We have the right to periodically make changes to the Privacy Policy for the security of Personal Data, and to comply with the requirements of the laws of England and Wales.
  2. The User must familiarize himself with the new terms of the Privacy Policy and DeHealth is not responsible if the User has not familiarized himself with the new terms of the Privacy Policy.
  3. DeHealth will update the modification date of the current version of the Privacy Policy in the “Updated” line at the top of the document.
  4. Our electronic copies of the Privacy Policy are deemed to be correct, complete, valid, legally binding and in effect at the time of your visit to the App.


The User has the right to contact the Company support service at: to ensure his rights, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, or in case of violation of his rights, or to leave feedback or ask a question.

© 2024 DeHealth. All rights reserved