Covid has devastated national healthcare systems

Created: 31 Jan, 2022

Updated: 3 Aug, 2022

Read post: 05:17 min read

The Covid-19 pandemic has undermined many national health systems. All the resources have been thrown at curbing the new coronavirus, while other diseases have been temporarily neglected.

Such a shift is likely to have long-lasting consequences and affect people’s health in the future. As of today, we can see that this ‘invisible enemy’ has found all the weak spots in the healthcare system, as even the countries that have managed to succeed against the virus, have done so at the expense of a large part of their resources. There are no guarantees that the existing medical care system will survive the next challenge of this magnitude. It is clear that healthcare needs to be modernized and made more efficient. Yet, we still have to figure out how to do it properly.

The catalyst for global problems

The coronavirus pandemic, by and large, has not revealed a single new problem in the healthcare system. All of the issues, one way or another, have been talked about for a long time. Covid only served as a powerful catalyst that made already poorly working mechanisms fail.

One of the most acute problems of 2020 was the unequal access to quality medical care, especially for people from developing economies. As follows from the UN report for 2020, half of the world’s population was deprived of effective medical care during the acute phase of the pandemic.

Data monetization

If we consider medicine as a social institution whose main task is to treat illnesses and prevent various diseases, then we can say that national health systems tend to suffer from excessive bureaucracy, which is seen in the cumbersome document flow, inaccessible medical data, and high additional costs for follow-up analyses and studies.

Furthermore, bureaucracy in healthcare has created a vicious system, when the patients’ medical data are leaked to large pharmaceutical companies or research institutes. A dab of money that these organizations pay to receive the information never reaches the patients to whom these data belong de jure.

As a result, people can neither control their personal medical information nor ensure its security. Almost all of the patients’ data are stored centrally both in national health systems and on the private companies’ servers, which makes the data vulnerable to hacker attacks that become more frequent and brutal annually.

High-tech solutions: strengths and weaknesses

Distributed registry technology (blockchain) is increasingly being used in medicine to higher the overall level of data protection.

However, the majority of average users do not understand what benefits blockchain offers.

A series of huge crypto fraud scandals have only aggravated the situation and made people question all the solutions that are somehow associated with tokens.

That leads us to the current situation when investors are interested in acquiring Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies while most of the average citizens chose to stand aloof.

Telemedicine could have helped make medical care more accessible (including high-tech). Yet, it has not taken root due to the high cost of equipment needed to provide high-quality remote medical services, another reason being the lack of high-speed Internet in some regions.

DeHealth is a cure-all

DeHealth (decentralized healthcare) is a platform that combines digital medical record storage with a cloud service for online patient registration. With DeHealth, you can store, manage, and protect personal health data and get instant access to all services provided by various medical institutions, both public and private. To date, the number of DeHealth users has already exceeded 2.7 million people and continues to grow. The project saves lives by helping hundreds of thousands of people around the world to solve health problems.

Project technologies

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) are the project’s key know-how technologies.

AI receives the data from a high-tech smart band, which in real-time screens the patient’s body for hundreds of parameters: respiratory rate and depth, pulse, water balance, oxygenation, stress level, etc. This information from the smart band together with the data from the patient’s digital medical record help AI make a more accurate diagnosis and come up with better treatment. It is expected that soon AI will learn to anticipate health problems to adjust recommendations for preventing disease and prescribe treatment accordingly. DeHealth has also developed a user-friendly mobile app that serves as an all-in-one marketplace, which stores personal health data and provides medical services and healthcare products. DeHealth app also displays multiple payment options both for regular and cryptocurrencies and offers an AI-based personal health assistant.

Blockchain technology, in turn, secures personal health data.

Sophisticated cryptography and the SSoT technology supported by DevOps engineers protect DeHealth users’ data from DoS attacks.

DeHealth’s core values

The medical data that a person generates from birth is an intangible asset, which, when used correctly, can serve as a key to longevity and better life quality.

Denys Tsvaig, CEO, CTO & Co-Founder of DeHealth, emphasizes that AI and blockchain technology have made it possible not only to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment but to provide patients with the opportunity to monetize their health by selling their own medical data to research organizations and pharmaceutical companies.

- DeHealth is a revolutionary healthcare solution that will enable people from developing economies to make money on their health.

Thus, residents of, for example, Equatorial Guinea who are leading a healthy lifestyle, following the doctor’s recommendations, inviting friends to the project, and performing any other actions within the loyalty program, will receive DeHealth tokens, which can be further used for renewing an app subscription, paying for doctor services or buying vitamins.

Moreover, depersonalized medical data can be sold for real money, — assures Denys Tsvaig.

It’s high time to take action!

Despite the fact that healthcare is gradually being modernized, and telemedicine is gaining momentum, it is still too early to talk about an ultimate solution to all the existing problems.

Healthcare is a system, and all systems have limits.

Within the current situation, the only scenario when every human being might see some positive change is if society learns to use all the medical information available rationally.

Anna Bondarenko, President of the international consortium eHealth, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of DeHealth, says:

- Right now, we are creating an environment that would help our users manage their health on the go, get free access to medical goods and services provided by private and state companies around the world and monetize medical data.