DeHealth at Arab Health Exhibition 2023

Created: 7 Feb, 2023

Updated: 8 Feb, 2023

Read post: 01:26 min read

The Arab Health Exhibition & Congress is the largest event of its kind in the Middle East and we were very pleased to be represented on the venue by our esteemed Member of the Advisory Board, Digitalization Humanist, Futurist and an Innovation KOL Philippe Gerwill.

Arab Health Exhibition provides an unrivaled platform for the world’s leading manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors to meet with the medical and scientific community from the Middle East and beyond. More than 300 regional and international speakers and 9 continuing medical education (CME) conferences featured keynote speeches, scientific lectures and industry briefings.

The exhibition (30th January — 2nd February 2023) brought together over 4,000 companies showcasing their latest innovations to more than 130,000 healthcare professionals from 163 countries.

The Siemens pavilion showcased the world’s first photon-counting CT scanner, a new diagnostic imaging system that uses photon-counting detectors to produce detailed three-dimensional (3D) images. Participants also had the opportunity to see several innovative healthcare technology systems presented by Philips, including a telereanimation program, the MR 7700 system for high-quality MRI images, and a silent ICT scanner. Special attention was also drawn to the next-generation computed tomography (CT) system from GE Healthcare called Revolution Aspire.

DeHealth looks forward to even more high-profile collaborations and partnerships in the Middle East as we continuously expand our business horizons and share with the global community our unique vision of the medical data market.

DeHealth is health data, health data is DeHealth!