Created: 25 Nov, 2022
Updated: 25 Nov, 2022
Read post: 01:38 min read
We are pleased and grateful to declare that Med-Tech World 2022, which took place on November, 17-18 in Malta, was an incredible and highly productive experience for the entire DeHealth team, also because DeHealth got to the short-list of the Med-Tech Awards Europe 2022 in the category 'Best Use of Blockchain in Healthcare.
Med-Tech aims to bring together leading companies, start-ups, investors, healthcare technology professionals, and media under one roof with the aim to empower networking, investment, and knowledge sharing
Started with the opening word from an exclusive speaker Hon. Chris Fearne, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Health in Malta, the 2-days event was full of the subjects mentioned by Minister: remote patient monitoring, telemedicine tools, AI&Metaverse, anonymized data for research use in the next 1-4 years - for healthcare industry purposes and as the base for upcoming shifts.
Meetings with health tech experts from Microsoft, IBM, Deloitte, as well as World Health Organization, Malta Enterprise, Malta Health Network, UK Government’s Department for International Trade as well a number of VCs and labs and MIS’s provided the team with more insights and set the starting point for even more partnerships and dApp enhancements.
Dr. Juhi Tandon’s, GP, Medical Director & Co-founder of Cognitant Group keynoted “Nothing about me without me” as patients’ attitude to any actions with their data well consonant with DeHealth’s aims.
Furthermore, our esteemed Member of the Advisory Board, Digitalization Humanist, Futurist and an Innovation KOL Philippe Gerwill exclusively moderated the discussion "The Healthcare Metaverse - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" and participated as a panelists about "The Intelligent Hospital“. Synergy that DeHealth gains with Philippe as a Member of the Advisory Board definitely enhances our project in particular and the whole healthcare industry in all!
Appreciate the whole Med-Tech World 2022 team for such an intense event and Dr. Dylan Attard MD, Med-Tech World Summit CEO & Co-Chair in particular for support and acknowledgment.