Created: 26 May, 2022
Updated: 16 Aug, 2022
Read post: 02:05 min read
Philippe is a Digitalization Humanist, a Futurist and an Innovation KOL who is regularly speaking at international events about Digital Health, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, 5G or Healthcare in the Metaverse that he would rather call the MEDaverse.
For Philippe, while being a big advocate and supporter of all those amazing technologies, it is primordial to always put people back at the center of our design in order to ensure that those technologies are serving the humans and not the other way around. Before that he spent about 30 years in the specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industry at Novartis, Lonza and Ciba.
Philippe actually serves as executive advisor or board member in different companies in Switzerland, France, UK, Singapore and China. He is also a mentor/coach as well as a guest speaker at some well-known business schools like the ESCP (Ecole Supérieur de Commerce de Paris) in France or the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands where he is mainly intervening as a cultural broker. Philippe delivered also an online course about “Blockchain in Healthcare” in May, 2021 and about “Healthcare in the Metaverse” in May, 2022 for Marisiensis, the International Scientific Congress for Students, Young Doctors and Pharmacists at the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology "G.E. Palade'' of Târgu Mureș in Romania. Moreover, Mr Gerwill received an "Outstanding Leadership in Healthcare" award during the Health 2.0 conference in Dubai in March, 2022. He received an "Outstanding Leadership in Healthcare" award during the Health 2.0 conference in Dubai in March, 2022.
“I am blessed and honored to join the DeHealth Advisory Board. Beyond the conviction of the technical acumen and growing maturity of the solutions provided by DeHealth, I was really impressed by my first exchanges with the founders with whom I am sharing so many common values and vision. We need to move from Sick Care to Health Care while bringing all the key actors into our ecosystem. We need to provide new tools and visibility to the HCPs, reward patients or even one step earlier, consumers for behaving as recommended and for sharing their data before providing the resulting prepared and structured data to the R&D departments of major pharma companies as well as smaller startups or scale ups. Nurturing that data economy with our DHLT while embarking on the metaverse and web 3.0 which is promised to be the biggest major tech disruption to our everyday’s life since the smartphone," - says Philippe Gerwill.
Welcome aboard, Philippe!